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All plans and illustrations contained in this publication are the exclusive property of House Plan and reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited by law.

All construction plans ordered through House Plan are provided as is. House Plan disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including merchantability or fitness of purpose. Construction plans may not be returned for credit and/or refund under any circumstances. House Plan is not liable for incidental, special, consequential, or indirect damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, loss of anticipated profits, business opportunity or other economic loss arising out of the use of services or any construction plans received from House Plan, even if House Plan has been advised of the possibility of such damage.

It is the customer's responsibility to ensure the accuracy, compliance with applicable statute(s) or regulation(s), and fitness of purpose of any plans or construction information received from House Plan prior to the use thereof. In the event that any liability is imposed on House Plan, House Plan's liability to you or any third party shall not exceed the price paid for the House Plan houseplan product.

Information on Building Codes:

There are three major nationally recognized model-building codes that pertain to safety regulations on how a building should be built. They are designed to protect the public from an unsafe structure. They are: UBC (Uniform Building Code), BOCA (Building Officials & Code Administrators), & CABO (Council of American Building Officials). In addition to these, there is the new International Building Code (IBC) that combines the provisions of the other codes. All are very similar in content. Every state, county, and local municipality has adopted some form of one, any, or all of these standard building codes. Many regions have even more stringent regulations, i.e., earthquake-prone areas of California and the Pacific Coast, hurricane risk areas of Florida, Gulf & Carolina Coasts, NY, NJ, NV, & Chicago area. All house plans are designed in accordance with applicable local home building codes in effect at the time the house plans were created. The building codes under which house plans were designed are those in force in the home designer's local region. You (the homeowner) are responsible for ensuring compliance with local home building codes. Local building jurisdictions may require Lateral Analysis or other engineering services to be performed. Such services are best handled by those familiar with your local building codes. Only qualified personnel should undertake any revisions to house plans sets.

Plan Usage

1. All plans are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. Any use of the information contained herein beyond the one-time use authorized by a purchase of prints, or any duplication, publication, sale or distribution of any part of these plans without the prior written consent of the Original Designer represents a violation of Federal Laws subject to the prescribed penalties.

2. Any use of the plans, or modifications of the plans, by purchasers, builders or others is done at their own risk. Licensee should have the plans reviewed by a local professional architect or engineer before the start of construction. The information contained within the construction documents is intended to depict design and basic construction detailing. It is the builder's responsibility to provide standard construction details and practices which will result in a structurally sound and weatherproof finished product.

Plan Content

1. The plans provided by the Designer usually do not include any electrical, plumbing, heating or air conditioning drawings due to the wide variety of local codes and climatic conditions. Licensee should have a local electrical engineer, mechanical engineer or builder provide these drawings as may be required for permits and construction. The foundation plan and associated details are provided as a basic guide for a typical foundation system. This typical foundation system is not site or location specific. Licensee should have a local architect or licensed engineer review these plans and provide a site-specific foundation design if found necessary. The plans provided by the Designer are not stamped or signed by an architect, designer, or engineer. Local building codes, laws, regulations, or departments may require the Designer's plans to be signed and stamp by an engineer and/or architect. Revisions to the plans required by local building department or codes are not included as part of the sale. Modifications to a particular plan may be provided by the designer for an additional fee.

2. These Plans provide ideas and concepts and are not intended to be complete in all respects and details. Variations in standard sizes of window and door brands and types and use of different materials and thicknesses can change details. Varying local codes, ordinances, regulations, foundation requirements, and the layout of electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems can also change details.

Responsibility of Builder's

1. It is the responsibility of the builder to assure that all work is in accordance with the latest edition of all applicable Nation, State, and Local Building Codes. It is the builder's responsibility to ensure that all work is conducted in accordance with the latest edition of all applicable Construction Standards.
2. It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure that all manufactured articles, material, and equipment are applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned, adjusted, operated and conditioned as directed by the manufacturers. Builder shall follow all instruction to sustain and preserve all expressed or implied warranties and guarantees.
3. It is the responsibility of the builder to assure that all materials, equipment and components are new and of good quality.
4. It is the responsibility of the builder to check all dimension and details for overall accuracy appropriate to the local conditions and the final selection of materials such as masonry, floor joists, lumber, structural members, construction panels, roofing, etc., all of which can create variations in dimension and details. For example, if standard lumber joists are used in place of engineered floor joists, the floor-to-floor dimension would vary from the Plans and require revised stair dimension and framing.


1. Names of materials and manufacturers shown on the Plans do not represent an endorsement or recommendation by the Designer. Final selections of materials are the responsibility of the home Client and/or builder, including, but not limited to proper installation of materials, nailing, gluing, caulking, insulating, flashing, roofing, weatherproofing and many other small items and details not necessarily indicated on the Plans, and over which the Designer has no control or responsibility. The Designer shall not be held liable for any errors, omissions, or deficiencies in any form by any party whatsoever.


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